The Trust Fund is open to worldwide investors to develop crop production in one of the most famous agricultural land: the south east of Buenos Aires province, in the Pampas, Argentina.
The agroecologic area allow us to crop wheat, barley, canola, corn, sunflower, soybean and potatoes (last one under irrigation).
To become an investor the prospect need to sign a contract before the electronic transfer. The amount invested will be part of the Trust Fund for a minimum term of 3 years.
Agricultural Trustee
The company manages on farm activities by renting third parties’ land in the South East of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Every year, farm activities are expanded based on agronomical potentiality, revenue, gross margin and risks.
This fund called “Fondo Agrícola” or Agricultural Trust, begins capital intengration from March the 1st to November the 30th every year.
Every year and after the publication of the Balance Sheet dated in July the 31st, the Beneficiaries have the right to receive a payment with the profits or to re-invest for a new year.
Total Cash Money Invested, “The Intergration” and also the quota per investor is defined in November the 30th every year, according the Business Plan.
In case July 31st were grain stocks available, “La Fiduciaria” (The Admnistrator) has no longer than November the 30th to sell and to convert into cash.
According the payback procedure, the Administrator must pay to investors no longer than December the 31st as the due day. The Beneficiary has the right to re invest or to recieve the money.
Fees for the Administrator: the Administrator will receive his annual fee as a porcentage only if Balance Sheet shows positive net result. Also his fee will be based on Fees Table attached to each Investors Contract (Contrato de Adhesion).